Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Trying To Find My Make-Up Look...

I'm really, really bad at make-up. It doesn't help that one of my eyes is so much worse than the other, so when I try to do make up on my right eye, my left eye is basically just seeing blurs and colours. It's tough. Ah well. I've been on the hunt for not a daily make up look, because I just won't ever wear make up daily, but for a kind of simple yet not so typical style that I could throw on when I wanted to. Something a bit edgier or more whimsical, but nothing too complicated. So I made a kind of Frankenstein's monster of ideas into this: my go-to make up. 

It's nothing hard, because I am really bad at make up. I'm sure none of the make up girlies are impressed but this is my current skill level and it works for me. And it's fun! This isn't a tutorial or anything, I am in no way qualified for what, but here's a description for what I do to get my look.

1. Moisturize my face. I learnt this is a good first step recently.

2. My current palettes really suck, so I'm looking for something new. I want a palette/palettes with browns, whites, pinks, and greens. I use my mostly brown palette for a big swash of beige over my lid, up to my brow. Then I add a dash of pink and line the bottom of the lid with a darker brown. I also add a little dark brown beneath my eye.

3. Using a pencil liner I line my water line, and add little wings that point down. I like the droopy look. 

4. I also use a liquid brown liner to add false lash shadows. Sort of like Twiggy.

5. I make my eyelashes super clumpy with a dark brown mascara. I do that for my bottom lashes too.

6. A sparkly white eye shadow on the inner eye corner, on the brow bone and on the tip of my nose.

7. A little saturated pink blush on the cheekbones and minor brown eye shadow on my brows.

8. I line my lips with my black pencil liner, I should probably get a normal lip liner. Then a very dark velvet red gloss. I like a very dark lip. I feel if I make a light lip my already pale lips will literally cease to exist on my pale ass face. That's all!

Seems kind of long when I type it out actually. Anyway, I'm really embracing my messy ass hair these days, it's still a total hassle with brushing but I like the current length and shape. I once longed for straight hair but I think curly hair is pretty cool and special now. I don't use concealers or anything just because I don't really like the feel of too much stuff on my face, which is why you can see all my acne and skin texture! The horror. Honestly, the wrinkles/folds around my mouth make me look older but I don't really care. Means my face is moving. 

Sorry, this is so self-indulgent but I rarely find pics of myself cute so what the hell!

In the fashion department, I've been leaning into simpler Y2K/skater stuff. Maybe more Gen X Soft Club. This is not a turn to minimalism, I'm just lazy. I'll probably get back into layering soon enough though. I haven't felt really good about my appearance lately, and I don't really need to. My best times are when I feel neutral about how I look, I just really don't like feeling bad about it. This has been a nice little pick-me-up though. 

You must be asking, is there a reason why I decided to get so dressed up today? Perhaps an event? A day out? I did run some errands in the morning but my make up came on after. I'm sat here very presentable to start watching the O.C. and then maybe find where I stopped with Kyle XY. Productive time. 

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  1. A lovely look, I love how it turned out!! I'm not really a makeup girlie either, I just enjoy geeking out about the science behind the makeup itself and putting fun colors on my face. I am also watching the OC right now!! I'm only towards the end on season 1 atm, but i do enjoy it. I've made a promise to myself to only watch it while im on the treadmill as a way to motivate myself to work out LOL

    1. thank u v much Krish!! Putting colours on my face is literally exactly how I feel too LOL Omg I'm only on ep 1 but maybe if I catch up we can discuss all the drama haha!! Thats awesome that you are motivating yourself like that I have been literally so lazy, the only sports I do is go for a walk every day lol. btw saw that you are doing some site changes, excited to see how it turns out <3
